Have a splash of adventure

Ενημερωτικά δελτία by Varuste.net / Toimisto-Jorma, 1.6.2023


Our land of thousands of lakes AND 46 200 kilometers of Baltic Sea shoreline (incl. islands) invites to enjoy the beautiful summer views from the waterside. You'll find all the equipment you need for Stand Up Paddling (SUP), packrafting, swimming, surfing and diving.

More about our inflatable SUPs:

The inflatable board is convenient as it that is moderately easy to move from one place to another, and the differences between a solid and an inflatable board are nowadays very little - especially when you choose a high quality inflatable. To divide our selection roughly, we have two types of boards: Allround-SUP boards and touring- / excursion SUPs.

The first is quite multi-purpose and suitable for everything from yoga to light hiking and the touring SUP is more specifically focused on carry load and paddling a long distances.


Choosing a wetsuit depends on what you are planning to do, basically. Also a very important detail to take in mind is the air- and water temperature.
The more active the sport is on the surface the thinner suit you will need. Even here in the North activities on the surface during summer time require only a very thin/ 3mm wetsuit.

While choosing a floating device for paddling or other water sports you should seek features like good fitting. It's important to be able to effortlessly move your limbs and turn your head. Also take in mind other features you need to use with your chosen sport.

And last but not least: the actual vessels for all the fun and adventures! Choose from kayaks, canoes and packrafts. We have packrafts and very durable inflatable versions of kayaks.

That was all for this week, next time we'll have something else in mind.

As a reminder, we update our clearance- and sale selection frequently.
Here's a chance to make excellent deals:



Have fun everyone and stay outside! It's the best place to be.

Kind regards
Varuste.net staff


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